
Vigorously develop "green fiber" renewable chemical fiber reshuffle


    At present, the environmental protection policy is more and more strict, and vigorously developing "green fiber" is related to the sustainable development of the whole textile and chemical fiber industry. Recycled chemical fiber (also known as recycled chemical fiber) is one of the important varieties of "green fiber". Its typical feature is in line with the concept of circular economy development.
    In order to guide China's recycled chemical fiber enterprises to promote sustainable development and strengthen the elimination of backwardness and merger and reorganization, the Ministry of industry and information technology recently issued the notice on organizing the announcement of the industrial specifications of recycled chemical fiber (polyester) in 2018, and organized the announcement of the second batch of industrial specifications of recycled chemical fiber (polyester). Entrusted by the Department of consumer products industry of the Ministry of industry and information technology, on May 11, China Chemical Fiber Industry Association organized dozens of domestic recycled chemical fiber enterprises to hold a "working meeting on announcement of recycled chemical fiber (polyester) industry specifications" in Shaoxing Zhejiang Jiaren New Material Co., Ltd. The meeting interpreted the "standard conditions of recycled chemical fiber (polyester) industry", and discussed some specific practices of recycled chemical fiber enterprises in green development, some development "pain points" of the industry, and how to better develop recycled chemical fiber enterprises under the new policy environment.
    He Yanli, vice president of China Chemical Fiber Industry Association, pointed out: "the sustainable development of chemical fiber is directly related to the sustainable development of textile industry and national economy. The application fields of chemical fiber are not only for clothing and home textile, but also for industrial use. Its sustainable development needs to reduce the consumption of oil resources, and the regenerated chemical fiber has the outstanding characteristics of green, low-carbon and sustainable development. In the next step, the proportion of regenerated fibers in the total amount of chemical fibers will be higher. "
    Formulate clear objectives and strengthen guidance in "standard conditions"
    Recycled chemical fiber is a kind of fiber made from waste bottles, plastics and textiles by chemical or physical means combined with spinning technology. It can continue to be used in textile, materials and other fields. At present, the recycled chemical fibers produced by Chinese enterprises are basically recycled polyester fibers.
    In order to promote the structural adjustment and industrial upgrading of recycled chemical fiber (polyester) industry, prevent low-level repeated construction, reduce resource waste, encourage the comprehensive utilization of recycled chemical fiber (polyester) with high quality, high efficiency and high value, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry, the principles of reasonable layout, structural adjustment, encouraging innovation, saving resources, reducing consumption, protecting environment and safe production are followed In June 2015, the Ministry of industry and information technology officially announced the "specification conditions for recycled chemical fiber (polyester) industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "specification conditions").
    The "standard conditions" specifies the production layout, production capacity, process and equipment requirements (including production scale, process, process and equipment requirements for new and expanded recycled chemical fiber (polyester) projects), resource consumption index (water consumption, material consumption and energy consumption), quality and management, environmental protection, etc. of the recycling enterprises.
    Taking the material consumption of resource consumption index as an example, the standard conditions stipulates that the unit consumption of recycled raw materials is less than 1.25 T / T, the unit consumption of recycled polyester staple fiber is less than 1.03 T / T, the unit consumption of pre oriented yarn in recycled polyester filament is less than 1.03 t / T, and the unit consumption of full draft yarn in recycled polyester filament is less than 1.05 T / T.
    In 2016, the Ministry of industry and information technology announced the first batch of 28 enterprises meeting the "standard conditions", including 7 recycling enterprises in Cixi. As we all know, Cixi area is an important cluster of recycled chemical fiber in China. There are more than 20 local enterprises producing recycled chemical fiber, and a large number of trade-oriented enterprises are gathered around the recycling industry chain.
    "At that time, 10 recycling enterprises actively applied, and each enterprise had several thick materials. The data of 10 enterprises are very heavy together. When I went to declare, I pulled a big box to hold it. " Lu Kejun, Secretary General of Cixi recycled chemical fiber industry association, recalled.
    Li Jun, general manager of Hangzhou Haike Fiber Co., Ltd., said: "the standard conditions play an important leading role in the healthy development of the recycling industry and put forward relatively clear requirements for the development of recycling enterprises. Enterprises need to carry out self-examination item by item according to the requirements of the "standard conditions" when applying, which virtually promotes the standardized development of enterprises. " According to the introduction, Haike fiber mainly produces recycled polyester staple fiber, and its output of recycled products in 2017 was about 70000 tons.
    "In today's" new normal "economy, recycling enterprises must actively respond to the call of the state and industry, and regulate their own development with higher requirements and standards. Enterprises should carry out benchmarking work in accordance with the relevant requirements of the standard conditions. " Said Zhao Li, executive vice president of Hangzhou Best Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.
    Zhu Jianxun, President of Anhui Dongjin Resources Recycling Technology Co., Ltd., said: "to develop circular economy and promote green development, enterprises should first regulate their operation. From the perspective of the whole industry, the recycling industry is a strategic emerging industry, which needs further standardized development to accelerate the elimination of inefficient production capacity. "
    He Yanli pointed out: "the standard conditions guide the industry to develop in a healthy direction. Through efforts, the development quality of the recycling industry will be further improved. In this process, enterprises that fail to meet the requirements of environmental protection will be eliminated, and the industry will enter a new stage of development."
    "Compliance with the" standard conditions "will become the basis for relevant national departments to carry out work on project construction, investment filing, land supply, EIA approval, credit extension and other aspects of the recycling industry. In the future, recycling enterprises that do not meet the "standard conditions" will face a difficult living environment. Of course, the standard conditions itself will keep pace with the times. Under the strict environmental protection policy, it is the general trend to implement stricter standards in the sub industries. Therefore, in order to better develop the recycling enterprises, they must comply with the general trend. " At the meeting, relevant representatives from the Department of consumer goods industry of the Ministry of industry and information technology said after interpreting the "standard conditions".
    Standardization is the development demand of the industry itself
    In the new policy environment and competitive situation, more standardized development is the development demands of the recycling enterprises and the industry itself.
    Li Deli, deputy director of the Development Department of China Chemical Fiber Industry Association, said that in 2017, China's recycled chemical fiber output was about 6 million tons, and the overall operation of the industry was greatly affected by the policy of "implementation plan on banning the entry of foreign waste and promoting the reform of solid waste import management system" and commodity prices. 
    "In addition to recycled filament, in 2017, recycled chemical fiber enterprises generally showed a shortage of raw materials, low product inventory, good sales in peak season, good sales in off-season, good profits of filling, filling, non-ferrous and functional, differentiated and specialized products, and poor profits of other conventional varieties. It is worth noting that in 2017, the prices of primary and recycled raw materials and chemical fiber products were the closest in many years. As the import of raw materials has been greatly reduced, some recycling enterprises have chosen to use primary polyester chips and bottle chips to produce products when the price of recycled raw materials is close to or even upside down. " Said Ridley.
    Even in the face of the impact of policy adjustment and the price of primary products approaching, the pace of upgrading of renewable enterprises that still adhere to the development in the market has not stopped. Li Jun said: "in recent years, the company has adopted a large number of automatic, efficient and energy-saving equipment to lay the foundation for large capacity production. The company has been implementing green and clean production, such as VOC gas removal rate has reached 90%. "
    Zhao Li introduced that through energy saving and technical transformation, best company actively carried out clean production work, which significantly reduced the energy consumption of the company. The company started to use natural gas boilers since 2017, which greatly reduced the emissions of sulfur dioxide and dust. After physicochemical and secondary biochemical treatment, the sewage is reused for production, realizing recycling and effectively reducing the consumption of fresh water. The company also through the control of the breakage rate and spinning process, so that the consumption of raw materials decreased significantly.
    The products of Anhui Dongjin Resources Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. include recycled polyester filament, recycled polyester staple fiber, recycled polyester knitted fabric and woven fabric. The annual production capacity of recycled knitted fabric is about 5000 tons.
    According to Zhu Jianxun, Jieshou, where Dongjin is located, is an important recycling base for recycled plastics in China, 40% of which is pet. 70% of the raw materials used by the company are purchased locally. All the recycled polyester staple fibers produced by the company are sold to Jiangsu and Zhejiang. 40% of the recycled polyester filaments produced by the company are used for the production of woven and knitted recycled white cloth. The raw materials used by Dongjin company are pure regenerated. 40% of the fiber products belong to the original solution dyed fiber, which can save the printing and dyeing links in the downstream, and neutral oil agent is also used in the production as far as possible. The company turns the leftover materials into foam materials for reproduction, and the power equipment is controlled by frequency conversion. At present, the company has three boilers, one of which burns biomass resources, the other two burn natural gas. At the same time, the company's emissions of waste gas and waste water are up to standard. Taking sewage treatment as an example, the company has built two sewage treatment stations with a daily treatment capacity of about 2600 tons by adopting the new process of microbial technology and membrane treatment. Moreover, after treatment by enterprises, the sewage will be treated in the park again.
    "When we first entered the industrial park, we were just an enterprise with an annual output of 15000 tons of recycled polyester staple fiber, but now, the company's production capacity has increased by 70 times, and the benefit has increased by 440 times, and has achieved rapid development. At present, the company is planning new projects, including an annual output of 100000 tons of recycled dope dyed filament color fiber and 200 million meters of new water spray cloth. " Zhu Jianxun said.
    Better development still awesome "periphery"
    Although the recycling industry is a strategic emerging industry, for our country, there is still a long way to go in terms of the perfection of the whole society's circular economy system construction and the public's acceptance of recycled products. This means that if the industry wants to develop better, it is not enough to break through from within.
    Policy support for the recycling industry and enterprises is crucial. Lou Baoliang, President of Zhejiang Jiaren new materials Co., Ltd., felt deeply about this. "Since its establishment, the company has developed rapidly. The newly constructed project of chip spinning differential regenerated chemical fiber with an annual output of 60000 tons will soon be put into operation. In June, the third phase of the transformation project with an annual output of 66000 tons will also be launched. The development of the company has been supported by the governments of Zhejiang Province and Shaoxing City. We should work together for the cause of regeneration. " Lou Baoliang said.
    According to the introduction, Jiaren new material has become the leader in the chemical recycling polyester fiber industry in China. The company takes waste textiles as raw materials, and through the thorough decomposition of chemical method, the raw materials are reduced to brand-new polyester fiber, and the pigments, colors and impurities can be removed. In the process of enterprise development, we have enjoyed some practical support from the local government for enterprises in terms of applicable tax rate and waste textile recycling.
    Zhu Jianxun also said that the Guangwu Industrial Park in Jieshou City has favorable conditions for investment, preferential policies for attracting investment, government services in place, complete functions and infrastructure of the park, and sufficient human and raw material resources, all of which create good external conditions for the development of enterprises.
    However, in the view of the industry, policy support for the recycling industry can be more diversified. "In addition to taxation, greater support should also be given to government procurement and other aspects," Zhu said. The whole society should also increase the guidance of consumption of recycled products, so that more people form the awareness of consumption of recycled products. "
    In recent years, he Yanli has put forward suggestions on many occasions that the state should give a certain degree of preference to the recycling industry from the aspect of government procurement to support the development of the recycling industry. At the same time, the significance of consumption of recycled products should be publicized in the whole society to let more people know the value of consumption of recycled products for environmental protection.
    "China Chemical Fiber Association is actively carrying out coordination and communication, hoping that recycled fiber products can be included in the list of government procurement. At the same time, it is very important to guide the cognition of Chinese consumers. In fact, many international brands recognize recycled fiber. In the past, there were misunderstandings about recycled fiber among the public in China. In fact, recycled fiber products are very safe. In the future, the whole society should strengthen popular science education for the public in this respect. " He Yanli said.
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